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Indian Trail Evening Pantries Manager We’re so excited to introduce you to our newest member of the team, Mark Spencer, Indian Trail Evening Pantries Manager. If you’ve volunteered to help pack up food on Monday or Thursday afternoons in Indian Trail or serve at our Mill Grove UMC or Union […]
Calling all Common Heart volunteers!! Please join us for a Volunteer Appreciation Picnic at the Historic Belk Mansion in Monroe! Get a sneak peek of this amazing historic home built in 1903 for Dr. John Belk before it opens to the public!! We’ll provide lunch so all you have to […]
One of the most impactful opportunities to serve and make a difference, is being an intentional friend and ally for an individual experiencing poverty and food insecurity! This is really what this small revolution of kindness is all about. If you’d like to learn how to better help our neighbors, register […]
Indian Trail Office Assistant We’re so excited to introduce you to another new staff member as we grow – Kyril Adams. If you’ve called our Indian Trail office recently you’ve probably talked with Kyril! As the Indian Trail Office Assistant, Kyril answers phone calls, does data entry and helps keep […]