Kara Lopp

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July 5, 2023

Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation!

“I am a single mom of two amazing kids. I work real hard to keep a roof over their heads and make sure they are well fed and have all they need. But it is getting tougher.” Anna didn’t have to worry much about food until prices started going up and then her food […]
June 20, 2023

Food drives are key! Can you help?

Our friends at @faith_is_alive_umc just dropped off 869 pounds of nonperishables for our neighbors! That’s almost 3x the amount of an “average” food drive of 300 pounds. Thanks so much! Food drives are vital to making sure we have enough nonperishables to continue to serve the increasing number of families […]
June 7, 2023

Cupboard Ally volunteers go the extra mile for our neighbors

Our Cupboard Ally volunteers often find that the chance for connection is the greater blessing than the groceries they deliver once a month. It’s in these moments that we discover just how far a conversation, a smile and a hug will go! If you’re looking for a longer-term monthly opportunity […]
May 31, 2023

Getting Ahead – Beverly’s story

When Beverly Walker first heard about Getting Ahead she was waiting in line at a mobile food pantry with our friends at the Community Shelter in Monroe. Health issues put her on work disability two years ago and Beverly said she was “in a rut and didn’t know how to […]