Common Heartbeat

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March 8, 2023

Welcome, Alexis!

We’re so excited to introduce you to another new member of the Common Heart team, Alexis McDonald, Marshville Pantry Manager. If you’ve volunteered in Marshville recently you’ve surely met Alexis and heard about her love for cooking!  Alexis has a degree in human services & outreach and says she’s “so […]
February 28, 2023

Hunger Walk: 5 DAYS AWAY!!

“Daniel” stopped by our Marshville office last week looking for food to help feed his children. He’s a single father and said though he doesn’t qualify for food stamps he’s struggling to make sure they have enough to eat. Thanks to donations from friends like YOU we were able to […]
February 23, 2023

Welcome, CatherineTaraji!

Economic Empowerment Center Office Assistant We’re so excited to introduce you to another new staff member as we grow – CatherineTaraji B-Joseph! If you’ve volunteered with us in Marshville recently or stopped by the office there you’ve likely met CatherineTaraji, our Economic Empowerment Center Office Assistant. CatherineTaraji has been helping us get […]
February 20, 2023

Hunger Walk: Monthly grocery delivery brings hope, too!

One of our Cupboard Ally volunteers recently had a new name on his monthly grocery delivery list: “Diana.” When he stopped by with groceries (and hope!) the tears flowed. Diana, who is disabled and can’t drive to our evening food pantries, was overwhelmed with gratitude for the food. You can […]