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HAVE YOU HEARD? We have a new evening food pantry location in Stallings! Every Friday from 7-8 pm volunteers will partner with our friends at Stallings Church to give away food to our neighbors who are facing food insecurity. Last Friday, during our first pantry, volunteers provided nonperishables, fresh produce, meat & […]
Union County is getting a new evening food pantry location on Fridays beginning May 3. We’re so excited to open a weekly food pantry hosted by Stallings Church on Fridays from 7-8 p.m. With this addition, Common Heart will have evening food pantries 5 days a week in various locations […]
Our matching #KickstartKindness campaign continues until May 1! Give online at KickstartKindness.CommonHeart.org and your donation will be matched! Sign up to donate monthly and your first month’s gift will be DOUBLE matched! In just one day last week, we gave out 5 emergency boxes of food to families who were […]
THANK YOU to everyone who has collected egg cartons for us the past few years!! So very appreciated – we couldn’t have given out the eggs to our neighbors without them! We’re excited to report that our new source for eggs every month already come in cartons so we DO […]