Hey November is almost here and you know what that means?? It’s time to rustle up some turkeys! It is time for ….The …. Great …. Turkey …. Countdown!!
2021 GOAL: 1,500 Turkeys for 1,500 Families! Can we do it again this year??? 1,500 families blessed by the generosity of this community moved by love!
Yes, we can deliver 1,500 turkeys (and all the traditional fixin’s) to 1,500 families!
Who will give us the next turkey?! Donate your turkey virtually at Turkeys.CommonHeart.org!
Follow the Great Turkey Countdown at Common Heart’s Facebook page.
Here’s all the ways you can help:
You make this happen every year. Will you help get 1,500 turkeys and all the fixin’s to 1,500 families in our community?
How do I sign my mom up to receive a turkey?
Hi! You can sign her up online at: Turkeys.CommonHeart.org or call 704-218-9060 between 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Deadline to apply is Nov. 7.