‘Like walking out of darkness’ A Getting Ahead story

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‘Like walking out of darkness’ A Getting Ahead story

Gladys Collins is so enthusiastic about sharing her experience in Getting Ahead, that she keeps flyers in her purse.

“You never know when you’re going to run into someone who could really use the Getting Ahead program,” she said. “Doing GA has been like walking out of darkness. I’ve learned so much about life and myself. I will be forever grateful.” 

That’s high praise from this 68-year-old Union County native who wasn’t initially convinced that Getting Ahead was for her. After talking with our Getting Ahead facilitator Ruth Wilson, she decided to stick with it and quickly became one of the most talkative and engaged participants in her session. 

“At first, Gladys thought she wouldn’t gain anything from GA and was going to stop coming, but I encouraged her to give it a try just a little longer,” Ruth said. “She gained a lot and made some new friends also. It was wonderful to see her grow by sticking with her commitment to join us two times a week. She became more talkative and started sharing resources, too.”  

During the 19-session Getting Ahead program, participants like Gladys discuss 11 resources that we each need to thrive: financial, emotional, mental/cognitive, language, social capital, physical, spiritual, integrity & trust, motivation & persistence, relationships/role models and knowledge of hidden rules. Poverty isn’t just about money, but it is often the first thing people think of when talking about instability. 

GA graduates are also eligible for free success coaching to help them achieve the goals they set for themselves. Our innovative Emergency Savings Incentive Program allows graduates to earn a $500 emergency savings account as they build skills needed for success.

Gladys said she grew up in poverty as one of 11 children in a single parent home near Marshville. She was thankful to graduate high school before getting married and having a family of her own. Before she had to stop working in 2010 due to serious health issues, Gladys worked in the textile industry. Over the years she ran machinery that screen printed towels and put together quilted mattress pads to be shipped nationwide. 

“If you bought a mattress topper in the last 25 years, I probably had something to do with it,” she said, laughing. 

Through Getting Ahead, Gladys realized that her circumstances growing up contributed to her struggle. Even when she and her late husband were working, it was “paycheck to paycheck” with not much leftover. 

“I had no foundation about anything in my life. I grew up without much guidance  –  I just grew up,” she said. “Sometimes it was all we could do to pay the rent and get a tank of gas. There were a lot of sleepless nights.”

For most of her adult life, Gladys said she’s been in “survival mode.” The knowledge and support she’s received from GA has been “life-changing” she said. 

“I now have a little extra money for rent and with the Wal-Mart gift cards from GA, I’ve been able to buy household supplies and things I needed like jeans and a new pair of shoes,” she said. I’m doing much better than I was and am taking every opportunity I have to tell other people about Getting Ahead so they can benefit, too.”   

If you think you would benefit from Getting Ahead, apply online at Getting Ahead – Common Heart. Participants receive a $35 Wal-Mart gift card plus free dinner and free childcare (if needed) for every session they attend. Graduates have the opportunity to receive free success coaching and earn a $500 emergency savings deposit into a bank account through our Emergency Savings Incentive Plan (ESIP). Call Ruth Wilson at 704-875-7887 with any questions. 

If you would like to help support the GA program with meal donations, email EmpowermentOutreach@CommonHeart.org. Speakers are also needed to share expertise during monthly resource meetings. 

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