You can be an answer to prayer!
We did it again this year! 1,570 turkeys were the main course at the Thanksgiving feasts of 1,570 families. Over 9,500 locals and their friends gathered around a table that was set by you and this amazing community that cares. Can you hear the joy & laughter? I know in my heart together we have done more than meet a need; we gave folks hope! We have answered their prayers!
This was just one day … imagine a day with no hunger or poverty in our community. In my heart I can hear the sighs, the worries, the anxious prayers. I can see the struggles and hear the stressed voices. Parents concerned for their children — children going to bed hungry, robbed of their childhood and full potential because of need. Your generosity of spirit can be an answer to their prayers. Give online now at:
Things seem to be getting better, but not for all of our neighbors.
For example, while the Union County community of Marvin is the wealthiest small town in all of North Carolina, food insecurity has risen from 7.6% to 10.5% in Union County. An estimated 7,300 more neighbors slipped into food insecurity last year! We have seen this firsthand at our pantries with a wave of first time attendees.
Folks, without your support kids will go to bed hungry and the desire of parents to provide a better future for their children will be an empty dream.
Please consider a generous gift during this Christmas season. In the new year, would you join our army of volunteers?
We need to rise to the challenge and ignite the flame of this small revolution of kindness in more places and in more hearts. Be the answer to their prayers!
May you and yours have a wonderful holiday season!